Chunky Cream of Mushroom Soup

by - Sunday, May 16, 2010

I was searching around for a simple Cream of Mushroom Soup 'cause Mom was making Western Meal for Sunday dinner. And I'm tired of the soups that we always drink from Campbell cans. I love the kind where we always get to eat at Soup Spoon and Souplicious. YUMZ!

So I came across a few sites that had quite good recipes, including Jamie Oliver's site. Uh oh, I think I'm becoming a fan of him soon, I have the urge to buy his books! But his recipe asked for Porcini which I have no idea where to get in a short notice. So I managed to get the recipe from Evan's Kitchen Ramblings and modified the recipe a little. The recipe is to keep! It tastes great though CL said something was missing from the soup still. Hmmmm...

Chunky Cream of Mushroom Soup Chunky Cream of Mushroom Soup

Chunky Cream of Mushroom Soup

30g butter
1 brown onion, finely chopped
2 leaves of Bay Leaves
650g white button mushrooms, chopped
4 cups milk
1/3 cup single or pouring cream
Salt, black pepper
chopped Walnuts and Parsley to garnish

  1. Heat a large saucepan over high heat. Add butter, onions, bay leaves and mushrooms.
  2. Moisture from the mushroom will start escaping. Cook till most of the moisture disappears.
  3. Add milk and bring to a boil. Add cream, sea salt & black pepper.
  4. Remove soup from the pan and blend soup until desired smoothness is achieved.
  5. Ladle into soup bowls and top with chopped walnuts and parsley before serving.

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